Sunday, January 4, 2009

3.1, rinse, repeat

I'm trying to go running on a regular basis in 2009. This sounds kind of silly, but my interest was piqued by the following description of Obama's exercise routine:
In his 1995 autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama said he was a casual drug user and an underachiever until he decided to start running three miles each day.
(As Duties Weigh Obama Down, His Faith in Fitness Only Increases")
Running is something the Nike+iPod system made palatable to me only a few months ago, when a friend convinced me to run a 5K. I had never really run before (excepting gym class), but figured I should be able to handle 3.1 miles. The first race was tough, but things rapidly got easier from there. Since that first race, I've run another two 5Ks and a 10K. (Here's a photo taken by Aly of me in the home stretch of a hilly course at the National Arboretum.) Over the last two months, though, I've stopped running on a regular basis as the weather got colder and my load at school and work increased.

I've set a modest goal of running 18 miles in January. (3.1 miles down, 14.9 to go!) I'm going to try to adhere to a regular running schedule despite the fact that I'm doing my thesis along with continuing full-time work. I thought I'd be bored during runs, but they've proven to be a great chance to clear my head after a long day. Now if I could only get up early enough to go running before work ...

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