Sunday, January 25, 2009

Literature review (and an unrelated resolution)

Here are the categories I'm looking into for my literature review:

1. Identity. Background information on how people view themselves in relation to others and to organizations.
2. Social presence. How individuals and organizations establish presence (via technology) in social network sites like Twitter.
3. Social interaction. Background stuff from sociology (Goffman's The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life—I really need to read this) and linguistics (material on how impressions of individuals are formed via dialogue).
4. Authenticity and authentication. Investigation of why people need to identify each other. Using the abridged Turing test in Blade Runner as a metaphor for human-computer interaction and the reason why/process for determining whether another being is human. Some background information on the uncanny valley (physiological response generated by robots). Judith Donath's "Being Real": examples of chat room encounters. Foucault and the panopticon (used as a metaphor for social network sites): The urge to punish in a community that watches itself.
5. "Intelligent agents" and organizations. Turkle?

I just realized that I have to have a draft of this done by February 1—next Sunday. Eek! Looks like I'll be writing every night this week.

In other news, I've decided to run the Chicago Marathon in October. I'm starting off with a half-marathon program on the Nike+ site, which should enable me to complete that distance by the end of April. Then I'll do the 28-week (or so) marathon program or join a running group to get me ready for the event. Aly and I just joined (re-joined in my case) the National Capital YMCA in downtown DC, and I'm really psyched to have an indoor track available to me. We'll see if I can balance all this training with my volleyball league and my thesis. Oh, and work (which is going pretty well these days).

I can already tell that getting adequate sleep will be the key to all of this increased activity. With that, I'm off to bed.

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